Our mission is to create a nurturing and empowering community where parents of children with disabilities of all ages get support, access to resources, and personalized assistance to ensure their children receive the services they need to thrive.

Parent-To-Parent Support

We will help you to connect with other parents who have a child with a disability to meet with for support, encouragement, and training.

Our Services

One-On-One Assistance

We will help you develop a plan to meet your child's unique needs and guide you through the process while applying for services.

Start A Support Group

If you are the coordinator of a special needs group that meets regularly and you would like to start a support group for parents, we can help.

  • What People are Saying

    The Staff from Parenting Special Kids Network were so gracious to meet my family for breakfast, including our son with special needs, to share their knowledge of all the resources available for our son. Our family is new to Arizona, new to the world of special needs adults, and we felt very overwhelmed trying to navigate this alone. They provided us with leads to activities, resources to save money, and contacts for legal services, just to name a few. It was so comforting to have their guidance on our special needs journey.

    John & Kim - Parents

  • What People Are Saying

    As a director of a mission for adolescents with disabilities, whose aim is to create a sense of belonging, it can be daunting to witness the number of parents or guardians in need of assistance. From navigating the systems to the very real fears about what the future holds, and the longing for support from other families who understand, the Staff at Parenting Special Kids Network has served as a much-needed resource of knowledge and guidance. They stand by families in every aspect of their journey, from handling state-required paperwork to assisting them in finding care for their loved ones and connecting them with appropriate community resources as they transition to adulthood. I have had the privilege of witnessing the sighs of relief from parents and guardians who have benefitted in invaluable ways from their expertise.

    Melissa Pullon - Director of Young Life Capernaum

  • What People Are Saying

    The Staff from Parenting Special Kids Network met with us and answered our battery of questions, guiding us through the emotionally overwhelming journey of setting up our son's future beyond our lifetimes. They were readily available, answering additional questions weeks later and providing a follow-up email outlining the steps in writing as well. Their time and kindness have eased a very difficult process for us, and we highly recommend them.

    Robert & Linda - Parents

  • What People Are Saying

    Over the years, many parents and caregivers have approached me for guidance on government assistance programs, guardianship, estate planning, counseling, sensitive healthcare professionals, day programs, group homes, job programs, and respite care for their children with special needs. These inquiries reflect the extensive challenges parents of special needs children face. When the Staff from Parenting Special Kids Network met with the parents of our adult group at Scottsdale Bible Cactus campus, everyone I spoke with expressed heartfelt gratitude for referring them to the people at Parenting Special Kids Network. This connection has truly been an answer to prayers, offering invaluable guidance and support for our children with special needs.

    David Thames – Team Leader of Adult Special Ministries at SBC, Cactus Campus

  • What People are Saying

    A big shout out to the Staff at Parenting Special Kids Network for all the information and time they have extended to us. Just recently, we were in limbo on which way to turn for the annual guardianship renewal, but then we were referred to Parenting Special Kids Network.. Their Staff set our minds at ease, and with their knowledge they guided us in a way to get the job done. We can't thank them enough!

    Jim & Katie - Parents